St Elli Lodge Ladies Dining Evening 20th March 2024
The St. Elli Lodge held its ‘Ladies Dining Evening’ on 20th March and once again the members welcomed their Ladies, family and friends who were non-masons to attend. The evening commenced with the Lodge being Tyled at 6.30pm as per a regular meeting with the exception that visiting Brethren were admitted before the Lodge was opened. During which time there was a Wine reception for the Ladies and guests.
Having dealt with domestic matters the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony and the brethren retired to disrobe and accompany their Ladies and guests back into the Temple.
The Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Dr. Jonathan Jones and his wife YunSon welcomed all and introduced Bro Cerith Owens the chairman of Loud Applause Rising Stars (LARS) who then introduced the three singers, Penelope George, Rhys Hunter and Grace Victoria Williams accompanied by LARS Musical Advisor Stewart Roberts who entertained us with a popular choice of songs which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
After the entertainment there was a three course meal and at the end of which the Worshipful Master formally presented Grace Victoria Williams with a certificate recognising her as the recipient of the 2023 St Elli Lodge Music Bursary.
Since 2017, St. Elli Lodge has maintained a close partnership with LARS, highlighted by the establishment of the St. Elli Lodge Music Bursary, awarded annually to a LARS member.
With the exception of 2021, which was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lodge has generously sponsored six consecutive years of bursaries, and LARS is immensely grateful for its support.
A wonderful night was had by all.

Updates To come soon..Call back later |
The St.Elli Lodge and West Wales Provincial Grand Lodge Freemasons have helped bring life, light, colour and comfort to what was a sad and dreary garden at a home for people with mental health issues. Until recently the front and rear garden areas were uninviting and uninspiring. With a generous donation from the West Wales Freemasons and a collaboration with Mencap Cymru the home now has a smart front garden with close cut lawns. There are freshly painted black railings and newly cleaned paving slabs to be proud of. The transformation does not stop there. Where once there was a sorry looking uneven patch of ground to the rear of the property now stands a neat car parking area bordered by a secure wooden fence and gateway. Upon entering the gate one is met with a kaleidoscope of colour from the walls, the furniture and of course the flowers. What is remarkable is that the tenants themselves Ron, Edmee, Barbara and Josepha played a major role in the design and choice of colour scheme and the selection of plants and furniture for the garden.
Where once stood old garden furniture on tired paving slabs surrounded by faded planters and an uneven patch of grass there now stand modern colourful chairs and an attractive wooden dining table. Sleepers form a raised bed housing a beautiful selection of plants providing a seating area for tenants and visitors.
There is a delightful wind powered garden feature designed by Philip Barton, a member of the St Elli Lodge, which contains a stained glass square and compass and a male figure cutting a square block with a stonemason's hammer and chisel.
The newly painted planters contain colourful flowers with freshly painted walls bouncing natural sunlight into a warm and welcoming courtyard. Solar lighting and a water feature provide the aesthetic mood changes as night falls and carefully placed mirrors provide additional glimpses of the garden, which was hailed as a great success by the CEO of Mencap Cymru at the official opening on Wednesday, June 23rd
Present at the official opening were the CEO of Mencap, Edel Harris OBE, Wayne Crocker, Director Mencap Cymru, Head of West Wales Freemasons,PGM James Ross, Master of St.Elli Lodge George Parker MBE and St.Elli Lodge Charity Steward,Nigel Murphy.. A plaque has been installed, which denotes the contribution from the West Wales Freemasons, which amounted to £10,000 in total.
The Event also featured on ITV Wales News that evening and can be viewed by following this link
James Ross, Head of West Wales Freemasons said: "I am delighted that George Parker and the members of the St Elli Lodge brought this wonderful project to our attention. It is amazing what can be achieved by a relatively small amount of funding and lots of hard work."
Edel Harris, CEO Mencap UK said: "I would like to thank West Wales Freemasons for the money, because you can't do anything without money, but just as importantly for their support in delivering this wonderful garden for the tenants of Queen Victoria Road."
Director of Mencap Cymru Wayne Crocker praised the passion and commitment of St Elli Lodge members for securing this wonderful resource for the tenants at Queen Victoria Road and said that he looks forward to working with other lodges across Wales to deliver more growing spaces gardens.
St Elli Lodge Present Cheques amounting to £1,500 to Local Llanelli Charities
A number of members from the St. Elli Lodge presented five cheques to local charities. The members of the Lodge making the presentation were Nigel Murphy (Charity Steward), W. Bros. Frank Lynch and Philip Barton. The societies who benefitted were the Llanelli Talking Newspaper, the Llanelli Visually Impaired, Llanelli Veterans Association, Links Mental Health Group, and the Llanelli Model Engineering Society. The final Society in the above list run and maintain the train running in the Pembrey Country Park and the donation of £500 will be used to provide an adapted carriage for wheel-chair users and those with a walking disability. In return for the assistance, they intend placing a plaque on the carriage to acknowledge the donation.
The other societies each received £250.
On the 17th November 2021 George Parker MBE the newly installed master of St Elli Lodge in Llanelli made a cheque presentation of £500 to Mencap Cymru (the Wales branch of Mencap UK). Also in the photo are Wayne Crocker, Director of Mencap Cymru and Ms. Sara Pickard, External Affairs Officer for Mencap Cymru and W.Bro. Nigel Murphy.

On the 20th October 2021, the lodge held its annual Installation Ceremony. The ceremony was attended by Freemasons from all over the Province of West Wales as well as the Province of South Wales. Also in attendance was the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge. All of whom were welcomed by the outgoing W.Master, W.Bro.Frank Lynch who then proceeded to install Bro. George Parker MBE into the Chair as Master of the St.Elli Lodge No.3942 |
Although Lodge meetings have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic the lodge has been busy in making sure that it meets its 3 great principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. In persuit of the second of these principles the following donations have been agreed and made. Unfortunately, due to the Social Distancing Rules no photographs were taken of the events |
This year's recipient of the annual Masonic LARS Music Bursary Award is James Oakley.James an extremely talented chorister, recently performed with International soprano, Elin Manahan Thomas,Cor Meibion Pontarddulais and Cor Curiad.Due to COVID restrictions the formal presentation of the award has had to be delayed until circumstances allow. |
Earlier in May St.Elli Lodge 3942 made a donation of £750 to Llanelli Phab Club
Phab inspires and supports children, young people and adults with and without disabilities to make more of life together - breaking down community barriers, reducing social isolation, and creating opportunities for disabled people to enjoy the same activities and challenges as, and alongside, those without a disability. |
In May of this year St.Elli Lodge No.3942 gave a donation of £1000 to the COVID Prince Philip Hospital Llanelli T300 fund. The money will be used for the purchase of IPads so that COVID patients can keep in touch with their loved ones whilst in hospital. |
On the 16th October, the lodge held its annual Installation Ceremony. The ceremony was attended by Freemasons from all over the Province of West Wales as well as the Province of South Wales. Also in attendance was the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge. All of whom were welcomed by the outgoing W.Master, W.Bro.Nigel L.Murphy who then proceeded to install W.Bro. Frank Lynch into the Chair as Master of the St.Elli Lodge No.3942 |
On June2nd,the lodge held its annual Sunday Lunch at the Stradey Park Hotel. As usual the event was very well attended by both Masonic and non masonic friends of the Lodge. During the Lunch, the Annual LARS Award was presented to Ms. Daisy Owens by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Nigel Murphy. |
After 10 years service to the Lodge as it's secretary, which was preceeded by 5 years as the Lodge Almoner and another 5 years as it's Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro.Roger Robinson is taking a well earned rest after 20 years of faithfull service to the Lodge. To mark the occasion, the W.Master presented W.Bro. Roger with a Crystal Glass Decanter set on behalf of the Lodge members as a token of their appreciation. |
On Wednesday 15th of May, the Lodge celebrated the centenary of the granting of its Charter from the United Grand Lodge of England. Fellow masons from the Province of West Wales and indeed from all over Wales and the UK joined in the celebrations with the St.Elli members and a good night was had by all.
The Provincial Grand Master, M.W.Bro.Stephen Hookey, presented the Master with a Centenary Certificate,
On Monday 29th April of two cheques were presented to the Burry Port Opera .One cheque for £600 was from the Masonic Province of West Wales and the other for £150 was from St Elli Lodge no.3942. In the picture are the Lodge Secretary,W.Bro.Phillip Barton and the W.Master of St. Elli Lodge,W.Bro.Nigel Murphy who presented the cheques totalling £750 to the Chairman of the Burry Port Opera, Cllr. Robert John. |
On 17th October 2018, Very Worshipful Brother Nigel Murphy was installed as Worhipful Master of the St.Elli Lodge for the SECOND time. He was installed into the chair by V.Worshipful Brother Lawrence C Murphy JP. The Installation Ceremony was attended by Brethren from all over the Province of Wet Wales as well as from further afield. Also in attendance was the Provincial Grand Master and his team of Officers from the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Wales.
St Elli Lodge presentation to the Methodist Hall Street Church on the 19th June 2018
In the picture is V.W.Bro Lawrence C Murphy Worshipful Master, Rev. Felicity Randell, W.Bro Philip V Barton and W.Bro Nigel L Murphy Charity Steward presenting a cheque for £200 to the Hall Street Methodist Church to support their commitment along with the
“Cinnamon Network and Make Lunch” in providing an Activity and Lunch Club at the Lantern Centre , Hall Street Llanelli for families struggling to adequately feed their children during the long summer school holidays.
On 30th January 2018, the brethren received a very informative talkfrom representatives of "Care and Repair" a national charity whose aim is to be improving homes and changing lives. Helping older people to live independently in warm,safe and accessible homes. Their website is www.careandrepair.org.uk or they can be contaced by telephone on 03001113333.
The Worshipful Master,V.W.Bro. Lawrence C Murphy JP, presented a cheque of £300 on behalf of the St.Elli Lodgeto Mr Mark Warren, Manager at Care and Repair.
St.Elli Masonic Lodge Annual Musical Bursary to the 2018 nominated member of LARS
The second recipient to be nominated for this year’s bursary is Osian Wynn Clarke, who is 17 years old and is currently studying Welsh Drama and English Literature A levels at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman. He is a member of the Junior Conservatoire at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff and he is currently working towards his Grade 5 Piano, Grade 6 Music Theory, Grade 6 Classical Voice and a Diploma in Musical Theatre.
He is a fluent Welsh speaker who regularly performs at local events, one of his highlights was being chosen to play the part of Coufeyrac in the Welsh Junior production of Les Miserables.Which was held in the Millennium Centre Cardiff and the cast also performed on the West End stage in London, as part of the 30th Anniversary of Les Miserables.
Osian is also a member of the Mark Jermin Stage School, and has been involved in a number of youth productions with this group.
He joined LARS in September 2017 and has since performed at a number of their prestigious events. After finishing his studies Osian would like to pursue a career in music.
He was presented with his Bursary cheque, Certificate and Trophy at the St Elli Annual Sunday Lunch on the 3rd June 2018
On 17th October 2018, Very Worshipful Brother Nigel Murphy was installed as Worhipful Master of the St.Elli Lodge for the SECOND time. He was installed into the chair by V.Worshipful Brother Lawrence C Murphy JP. The Installation Ceremony was attended by Brethren from all over the Province of Wet Wales as well as from further afield. Also in attendance was the Provincial Grand Master and his team of Officers from the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Wales.
St Elli Lodge presentation to the Methodist Hall Street Church on the 19th June 2018
In the picture is V.W.Bro Lawrence C Murphy Worshipful Master, Rev. Felicity Randell, W.Bro Philip V Barton and W.Bro Nigel L Murphy Charity Steward presenting a cheque for £200 to the Hall Street Methodist Church to support their commitment along with the
“Cinnamon Network and Make Lunch” in providing an Activity and Lunch Club at the Lantern Centre , Hall Street Llanelli for families struggling to adequately feed their children during the long summer school holidays.
On 30th January 2018, the brethren received a very informative talkfrom representatives of "Care and Repair" a national charity whose aim is to be improving homes and changing lives. Helping older people to live independently in warm,safe and accessible homes. Their website is www.careandrepair.org.uk or they can be contaced by telephone on 03001113333.
The Worshipful Master,V.W.Bro. Lawrence C Murphy JP, presented a cheque of £300 on behalf of the St.Elli Lodgeto Mr Mark Warren, Manager at Care and Repair.
St.Elli Masonic Lodge Annual Musical Bursary to the 2018 nominated member of LARS
The second recipient to be nominated for this year’s bursary is Osian Wynn Clarke, who is 17 years old and is currently studying Welsh Drama and English Literature A levels at Ysgol Dyffryn Aman. He is a member of the Junior Conservatoire at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff and he is currently working towards his Grade 5 Piano, Grade 6 Music Theory, Grade 6 Classical Voice and a Diploma in Musical Theatre.
He is a fluent Welsh speaker who regularly performs at local events, one of his highlights was being chosen to play the part of Coufeyrac in the Welsh Junior production of Les Miserables.Which was held in the Millennium Centre Cardiff and the cast also performed on the West End stage in London, as part of the 30th Anniversary of Les Miserables.
Osian is also a member of the Mark Jermin Stage School, and has been involved in a number of youth productions with this group.
He joined LARS in September 2017 and has since performed at a number of their prestigious events. After finishing his studies Osian would like to pursue a career in music.
He was presented with his Bursary cheque, Certificate and Trophy at the St Elli Annual Sunday Lunch on the 3rd June 2018
W.Bro Ivor Stephen Shuttleworth 50yrs in Masonry
W.Bro Ivor Shuttleworth presenting a Alms collection plate to the Lodge
At our December 2016 Lodge meeting W.Bro Ivor Shuttleworth celebrated 50 years membership in Masonry. W.Bro Ivor was initiated into St Elli Lodge in December 1966 and was installed as W.Master in October 1978 He held the office of Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge for 7 years and in 1996 received promotion to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden.He is also a Past Provincial Grand Master of Mark Master Masons for the Province of Dyfed The photograph shows the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro Jeffrey C Lewis presenting him with his 50yrs certificate.

The Worshipful Master W.Bro Philip V Barton on behalf of the Lodge, presented W.Bro.Ivor Shuttleworth with a pair of cufflinks to mark his 50yrs Membership of St Elli Lodge. |
Installation of New Master for 2016/17
On Wednesday 19th October W.Bro. Philip V. Barton PPr JGW (Glos) was installed as Master of the Lodge by W.Bro.Leslie C.Jones PPr.GTyler in what was an excellent and sincere ceremony attended by the Asst.Provincial Grand Master and his team of officers and brethren from all over South and West Wales. Several International visitors also attended, from England and as far afield as Dubai. All experienced a superb ceremony and an enjoyable Festive Board which raised in excess of £480 for charity which will be donated to Gateway Llanelli.
Lodge Annual Sunday Lunch
The Sunday lunch Lodge outing was held on the 10th July 2016 at the Stradey Park Hotel, Llanelli, and on this occasion the brethren invited family and friends who were not members and we also had the pleasure of many of our Lodge widows been able to join us as our guests. all of whom were welcomed by our Worshipful Master Worshipful Bro. Leslie C Jones and his good Lady Jacqueline.
The afternoon included an excellent 3 course dinner with Wine, followed by Tea / Coffee and Mints at which time we received a Musical recital performed by Bro Andrew Pike, all of which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present and once again proved to be a enjoyable and successful event.
50 Years in Masonry
This year,V.W.Bro. Lawrence Murphy celebrates 50 years as a Freemason and in our December Lodge Meeting, this achievment was celebrated in style by the Province with a presentation by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Stephen Hookey, of a certificate to mark the milestone and a celebration dinner attended by all the Rulers of the Craft in the Province of West Wales. Fuller details of the event and images can be found by following this link to the West Wales Mason Magazine
Installation of New Master
On the 21st October the Lodge came under the direction of W.Bro. Leslie C. Jones when he was installed as Master of the St.Elli Lodge No.3942 by W.Bro. Gordon Tucker in what was a first class ceremony. The ceremony was attended the Asst. Provincial Grand Master and his team of officers as well as by visitors from all over South and West Wales. The ceremony was followed by a very enjoyable Festive Board which raised £485 for local charitable causes.
Masonry is Universal
Recently we had an unusual request for help from 10,000 miles away in Australia. Not the usual request for financial assistance that we gladly receive but for .....a photograph!!!.. follow this link for the full story showing that when it comes to helping others distance is no obstacle for freemasons
Unique 3rd Degree Ceremony.
For the first time in many years, the 3rd degree ceremony on March 18th this year was conducted entirely by Past Masters of the Lodge. As was to be expected from such an exalted team,( it included 4 Grand Lodge Officers, 2 of whom were past Deputy Provincial Grand Masters) it was a masterclass on how to conduct the ceremony of raising a Fellowcraft to the Degree of Master Mason. Each and everyone involved in the ceremony produced flawless work in what was a really moving ceremony. Well done to all concerned.
Lodge Installation of New Master
The St. Elli Lodge of Freemasons has a new Master for 2014/15.
Pictured below are the outgoing Master,W.Bro. Omri Davies (left) congratulating W.Bro.Gordon Tucker on his appointment as Master of St.Elli Lodge of Freemasons for the coming year.

The ceremony took place at the Masonic Hall, Harries Avenue on October 15th. and was followed by a Festive Board attended by approximately 100 masons from the Llanelli area, together with guests from Provinces of West Wales and Monmouth and from as far afield as Portsmouth.
The customary raffle raised £470, which the Lodge will increase to £600. It is proposed to donate the money to the Llanelli Blind Society.
St Elli Lodge Open Day
On Saturday 16th August, St Elli Lodge held it's open day with guided tours around the building and members on hand to answer any questions the public may have about the craft.  The doors opened at 10.30am and the event was well attended with approx 90 visitors being shown around the building either in groups or individually,by Lodge members who enthusiastically welcomed them and were happy explain to answer whatever questions were put to them.
The tours ended in the Lodge dining room where light refreshments had been laid on and further discussions took place. All the visitors said they found the day very informative and were amazed at the charitable work that Masonry and Masons did.
St. Elli Lodge Summer Outing
St Elli Lodge held their Summer outing on the 10th July at the"Stag and Pheasant" in Carmel , the event was organised by the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Bro. P Omri Davies JP and his good lady Branwen. The evening proved to be a great success in what was a totally relaxed and a most enjoyable atmosphere. The Worshipful Master and his good lady thanked all present for their support on the evening.