A Brief History of St Elli Lodge No3942
A petition soliciting a Warrant for a Lodge to be named St Elli was first submitted to the M.W. Grand Master in 1907; but for the outbreak of World War 1 the Lodge would have been consecrated in 1916.
On the 28th July 1919 the Lodge was granted its Warrant, and Lord Kensington C.M.G. D.S.O. Colonel in His Majesty’s Army, Peer of the Realm and The Provincial Grand Master of South Wales, Western Division, held a Lodge of Freemasons at the Scouts Hall Llanelli, as the Grand Masters Representative and acting with due authority, for the purpose of consecrating a working Lodge of Freemasons, to be known by the title and style of St Elli No 3942 in the Registry of the Grand Lodge of England and for installing W.Bro John Campbell Hill as the First Worshipful Master.
136 Brethren attended the Ceremony and a Banquet was held at the Stepney Hotel Llanelli.
On the 15th October 1919 St Elli held its first Working Lodge in the Thomas Arms Hotel Llanelli, the Initiate that evening was Mr David Lewis, Aged 36 a Tinplate Works Manager.
On the 15th July 1936 the Lodge met for the last time in the Thomas Arms Hotel and on the 2nd October 1937 St Elli held its first working Lodge in the new Masonic Hall, Harries Avenue, Llanelli and where it continues to hold its meetings to this day.